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Terms of Reference for the Redesigning of the PNGEITI website

The EITI is built on the notion that natural resources such as oil, gas, metals and
minerals,belong to a country’s citizens. The EITI’s mission is to promote
understanding of natural resource management, strengthen public and
corporate governance and provide the data to inform greater
transparency and accountability in the extractives sector.
By becoming a member of the EITI, countries commit to disclose information
along the extractive industry value chain – from how extraction rights
(granting of mining and petroleum licences) are awarded, to how different
revenues streams make their way through to the Government and how they
benefit the public.
Through participation in the EITI process, 55 countries have agreed to a
common set of rulesgoverning what has to be disclosed and when – the EITI
Global Best Practice Standard. EITI countries disclose extensive amount of
data and information as required by the EITI Standard. The EITI Standard requires
that data is made available in accessible forms to all users.

PNGEITI celebrates the International Women’s Day

Today, the 8th of March, 2021, the Papua New Guinea Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PNGEITI) joins the global world in celebrating the International Women’s Day (IWD).

In line with the theme for this year IWD “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world” PNGEITI recognises the different roles Papua New Guinea women play in the extractive mining, oil and gas sector.

By highlighting our women’s contribution in the sector, PNGEITI is doing a week-long photo campaign on its various social media sites.

 It is also timely as it’s been two years since the EITI International Board approved the 2019 EITI Standard which includes specific requirements on ‘Gender’ reporting.

The soon-to-be published PNGEITI Report 2019 for the first time discloses employment data of a few reporting entities in PNG disaggregated by Gender.

The present data tells us that women are disproportionately represented in the sector. It is no secret that the extractive industries globally are male dominated, however, there is no doubt that women do contribute to the sector, and increasingly so.

In this changing world, women are now taking up roles that were once male dominated. For PNG women, there is no exception, they have portrayed this through their contribution whether it be on or off site, in the offices, field or in the communities. The roles many hold to this date include Warehouse Manager, Security Coordinator, Mine Geologist, HR Officer, Police Officer to name a few. PNGEITI will showcase some of these women in these roles in the photo campaign this week.

There is still a long way to go to achieve gender equity in the sector. But today, PNGEITI salutes these amazing women!

Happy International Women’s Day.